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The Benefits of Soft Systems Methodology in Health Care

Key to Outcome
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Soft systems methodology (SSM) is an approach to problem-solving that views organizations as complex systems. It is based on the premise that organizations are made up of people who interact with each other and with their environment in ways that are not always rational or logical. Its proponents argue that it is particularly well suited to health care because of the complex nature of the health care system.

There are many benefits to using soft systems methodology in health care. One of the most important benefits is that it can help to improve communication between different stakeholders. When different stakeholders have a shared understanding of the problem, they are more likely to be able to work together to find a solution. Another benefit of using soft systems methodology in health care is that it can help to create a more holistic view of the problem. This is because it takes into account the different perspectives of all those involved. This can lead to a more comprehensive and effective solution. Finally, using soft systems methodology can help to build trust between different stakeholders. When all stakeholders feel that they have been listened to and their concerns have been taken into account, they are more likely to trust the process and the final solution.

SSM explained

It has been nearly half a century since the term ‘soft systems methodology’ was first coined by Peter Checkland and his colleagues at the University of Lancaster. Since then, it has become increasingly popular as a means of addressing complex problems in a range of different contexts. SSM is based on the idea that there is no one ‘right’ way of doing things, but that different organisations will have different ways of approaching similar problems. This means that SSM is particularly well-suited to healthcare, where there is often no single ‘correct’ solution to a problem.

SSM consists of seven main steps:

  1. Defining the problem
  2. Identifying stakeholders
  3. Analysing stakeholder perspectives
  4. Identifying possible solutions
  5. Evaluating solutions
  6. Implementing solutions
  7. Reviewing and learning from implementation

These steps are not always followed in strict order, but they provide a useful framework for thinking about how to approach a healthcare problem.

The first step is to define the problem. This involves identifying what needs to be changed and why. It is important to involve stakeholders in this process, as they will have valuable insights into the problem and its potential causes.

The second step is to identify stakeholders. These are individuals or groups who have an interest in the problem or who may be affected by any proposed solutions. It is important to consider all potential stakeholders, as they may have very different perspectives on the problem and its possible solutions.

The third step is to analyse stakeholder perspectives. This involves understanding how different stakeholders see the problem and what they think needs to be done about it. It is important to consider all stakeholders’ perspectives, as they may have very different views on the best way to solve the problem.

The fourth step is to identify possible solutions. This involves brainstorming a range of potential solutions and evaluating their feasibility. It is important to consider all potential solutions, as some may be more achievable than others.

The fifth step is to evaluate solutions. This involves assessing each solution against a set of criteria, such as effectiveness, cost, ethicality and acceptability. It is important to consider all potential solutions, as some may be more effective than others.

The sixth step is to implement solutions. This involves putting into place the chosen solution or solutions. It is important to involve all stakeholders in this process, as they may have valuable insights into how best to implement the solution or solutions.

The seventh step is to review and learn from implementation. This involves assessing how well the chosen solution or solutions have worked and making any necessary adjustments. It is important to involve all stakeholders in this process, as they may have valuable insights into how best to improve the solution or solutions.

The CATWOE framework is often used in the soft systems methodology. This framework is used to help identify the key stakeholders in a problem situation. The acronym

CATWOE stands for:

C – Customers or Clients: Who are the people or organizations that will be using the system?

A – Actors: Who will be interacting with the system?

T – Transformation process: What processes will happen within the system?

W – Worldview: What are the assumptions and beliefs of those involved with the system?

O – Owner: Who will be responsible for ensuring that the system meets its objectives?

E – Environment: What are the external factors that could impact the system?

Using the CATWOE framework can help to ensure that all stakeholders are considered when designing a system. This can help to create a more effective and efficient system that meets the needs of all involved.

The key to the success of the Soft Systems Methodology is its focus on creating a rich picture of the problem at hand. This rich picture captures all of the stakeholders, their goals, and the relationships between them. It also includes an analysis of the current system and how it is failing to meet the needs of the stakeholders. With a rich picture in hand, it becomes much easier to identify potential solutions and to develop a plan for implementing them. The Soft Systems Methodology is an essential tool for any organization that wants to solve complex problems in a systematic and effective way.


The Soft Systems Methodology is a powerful tool for addressing complex problems. It can help you to structure and understand a problem, and identify potential solutions. It is also flexible enough to accommodate changing circumstances. There are some drawbacks to the Soft Systems Methodology, however. It can be time-consuming, and it may not always produce clear-cut results. Nevertheless, it is a useful tool that is well worth considering when you are facing a complex problem.

Follow the rabbit hole:
Soft systems methodology: a thirty year retrospective by Peter Checkland 2000

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